Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Little About Me

I am Rebecca, mother of two toddlers, and by definition, a worrier. (Not to be confused with warrior, which I am, but we'll get to that another time.) Have you ever heard the saying "Anything that can go wrong, will?" Well, that's kind of how I live, expecting the worst, but always hoping for the best. Some would call me a pessimist, but I prefer to think of myself as a realist. And even though I see the world in this light, I find humor all around me. I even find humor in the fact that I'm a worrier. The worrying trait was one handed down from my own mother, and I hope to worry as quietly as possible, as to not pass it on to my own daughter. I'm not sure that I have to be as concerned about passing it on to my son, as men are more doers than thinkers. See... here I am worrying about worrying. So, there it is, me in a nutshell. Which may be where I belong : )  Since my daughter was born I thought it would be fun to write down all of the funny things that happen in the daily life of a parent. Let's face it, parenthood is a riot. Even the biggest catastrophes can be funny when you look back at them. So come and laugh with me because parenthood is quite a humorous journey!!


  1. I wish I had written down the little things the kids did when they were little, and how I viewed those experiences. I never even completed Caroline's baby book...and didn't even attempt one for Isaac. I fully intended on it, but to be honest I got lazy in that department because I was so busy in every other aspect of my life! I do have a photo album of Caroline's baby pics, and of course select drawings and such from them both. I will make them pretty one day...maybe scrapbook :) But I guess I am also trying to re-live some of those moments in my books...which, believe it or not...I am working on yet again...right now!! Keep it up, I wish I did. I regret it, and I'd hate for you to. Much ♥♥♥!!

  2. I've neglected the baby books for too long. Violet's is only filled out to about a year and Zeke's is barely started. At this point if I fill it out I feel like i'm making stuff up. I'm going to do it though, soon. I have thousands of pictures of the kids, but most are digital. I'm going to print some more when we get the computer back. I hate relying on technology to hold onto my dearest memories. I've got a lot of ideas, I just have to make myself work for them. Thank you for my very first comment :)<3

  3. I was inspired to work on the baby books the day I wrote this. It was difficult because the kids wouldn't give me a break, but I got a lot done.
