Monday, February 21, 2011

roller coasters are fun at an amusement park, not so much in daily life

    Happy vs Sad, Sick vs Well, Busy vs Bored, Lazy vs Active, Hungry vs Full, Up vs Down. I have been all of these things since my last blog post. Life is a roller coaster with constant ups and downs, curves and ever changing. It is what makes our lives interesting and sometimes helps us to appreciate all that we have. Our lowest points helps us to realize how amazing our high points are.
    Last week I decided to start eating less, exercising more and becoming healthier overall. Exercise makes you feel better in many ways. I would really like to improve my own self confidence, lose weight, and improve my overall health, mind and body. It would be nice to feel comfortable in a bathing suit again for the first time since my babies were born. I'm not saying that I expect to reclaim my figure from high school or anything, but it would be nice feel good in my own skin. So far I am doing well; I have never been on a diet in my entire life and honestly I didn't think that I ever would. But here I am and I'm feeling good about it.
     I had big plans for this coming week and now that Zeke is sick I am reevaluating. It is beautiful out and we are going to make the best of this beautiful weather while it sticks around. It is sad that we are missing time with our friends, but we will appreciate them even more the next time that we see them. For now we will just have to soak up the sun and enjoy our time together as a family.

Today's post wasn't very funny. I will laugh about it someday, but today is not that day.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Just Dance

So, I thing I finally gotten over the bug, but for some reason I have been in a funk today. Zeke has found his way into the terrible twos and he is a completely different kid lately. It's hard to cope with the fact that my sweet cuddly baby boy has become a screaming, kicking defiant little monster. In hopes of warding off this funk I've been crafting and decorating for Valentine's Day with the kids today. I try to make the holidays memorable for them and we love making things together and putting them up around the house. We all got frustrated and decided to take a break. I put on a movie for them and then went to clean the kitchen. A few minutes later Violet came to tell me that Zeke had hit her on the head. I began to shew her off because she wasn't crying, just tattling. As she turned to walk out of the kitchen I felt a tinge of guilt at the look of disappointment on her face. I followed her to the edge of the dining room grabbed her shoulders turned her around and scooped her up.  I took her into the kitchen, we danced to "Perfect" by Pink and I sang it to her. Zeke came in right as Kesha's "We are who we are" came on, I put Violet down and we all joined hands and had a dance party right there in the middle of the kitchen. I am in a much better mood now.  I love my kids and sometimes I get caught up in my own moods and don't realize that maybe they are just having a bad day too. Sometimes you should just stop what your doing and Dance. You'll be glad you did :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Flu Season: Prisoners in Our Own Homes

In writing my brother this week I told him that I could sympathize with his situation. If you don't know me well, let me explain, my brother is incarcerated in a Federal Prison. It's a long story and maybe I'll blog about it another time. I explained to my brother that I was living in my very own prison. The children are my jailers and sickness and bad weather are the barbed wire fences or bars. During flu season we run the risk of being sick just by leaving the house. It is every where library, grocery store, schools, restaurants, door handles, shopping carts, sink faucets, toilet seats, tables and chairs.  My home was taken over the whole month of January. Zeke had fevers ranging from 101 to 105.4 for 6 dayS. And almost as soon as we recovered we were sick again. Violet is back in school this week, but for how long? I am still sick today with a low grade fever, this is day 10 for me. When will it end?? Should we stock up on supplies and hunker down for the rest of the winter?? Should we stop living our lives?? Or live every day in fear?? It is a never ending battle and we will prevail!! We will stand up and say, NO MORE GERMS, NO MORE!! I spent the weekend completely sanitizing my house, from top to bottom. We will survive this miserable flu season. We will not bow down and duck out. We will walk bravely into whatever business, school or bathroom that we need to and we will hold our heads high!! Because without illness there are no immunities!! Without suffering there is no triumph!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Technology is Against Me

Since I was little and our family got our first computer I have had bad luck with computers. I can't really explain it. It just has always seemed to my that computers run perfectly fine until I come near them. Maybe it is because I am impatient and I never had a computer or internet connection that was fast enough.

This year my bad luck continues. We just had a new hard drive installed at the first of the year and and it has somehow crashed already. Because of my bad luck with computers or my husbands insight into situations such as these we have a three year contract with Geek Squad and an external hard drive. Which is amazing because there is no way we would have been able to replace two hard drives in a months time and all of our files have been backed up several times.

So, I really would like for my kids to have better luck with technology than I have. I have been pestering Mike for months to get the kids a desktop that they can play games on and learn the ins and outs of using a computer. Mike doesn't let them touch the laptop without complete supervision and a desktop is more durable. I recently read an article about baby's using cell phones and i pads to play learning games and that a large number of babies and toddlers no how to navigate those sorts of things. This information blows my mind not only because I didn't think of it, but that my kids will be starting out behind in the world of technology. But I can't help but wonder, "How far is too far?" And "Will technology help or hurt our children and their generation?"

Friday, February 4, 2011

Sick Day

So, the kids were sick for the whole month of January and it has finally gotten to me. When every else is sick Mommy takes care of everything. But when Mommy is sick who takes care of her?? Haha, trick question, mommy still takes care of everyone : P   I did keep Violet home from school today because I didn't want to go out into the cold rain. We all need a Friday off sometimes.

I'm thrilled that Zeke is finally feeling better, but after being sick all month he's used to getting babied. It's comparable to the attention kids get when your on vacation, then when they get back home they are all out of whack. That was also another reason I kept Violet home today, he is lost without her sometimes and when she's home I get a little more peace.

I did some scrap booking today after some inspiration from my awesome friend Andrea. It took a couple hours to get everything out and ready, but once I got started I did three pages in about an hour. It's very satisfying to look at a project at the end of a day and know that it is something that the family will be able to appreciate for years.

I'm so glad that I spent all week cleaning the house, so that I can relax a little tonight. When everyone else was sick mommy made chicken noodle soup. When mommy is sick daddy preheats the oven for frozen pizza night :) Maybe I'll have some chicken broth with my pizza, but probably not. Have a great weekend y'all!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Little About Me

I am Rebecca, mother of two toddlers, and by definition, a worrier. (Not to be confused with warrior, which I am, but we'll get to that another time.) Have you ever heard the saying "Anything that can go wrong, will?" Well, that's kind of how I live, expecting the worst, but always hoping for the best. Some would call me a pessimist, but I prefer to think of myself as a realist. And even though I see the world in this light, I find humor all around me. I even find humor in the fact that I'm a worrier. The worrying trait was one handed down from my own mother, and I hope to worry as quietly as possible, as to not pass it on to my own daughter. I'm not sure that I have to be as concerned about passing it on to my son, as men are more doers than thinkers. See... here I am worrying about worrying. So, there it is, me in a nutshell. Which may be where I belong : )  Since my daughter was born I thought it would be fun to write down all of the funny things that happen in the daily life of a parent. Let's face it, parenthood is a riot. Even the biggest catastrophes can be funny when you look back at them. So come and laugh with me because parenthood is quite a humorous journey!!