Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sacrifices we make: Things parents seldom talk about

    From the moment that you find you are having a baby sacrifices must be made: quit smoking, eat healthy, get a job with benefits, become a whale... That child depends on you completely for nourishment, safety, comfort and survival. Once that child is born you will spend the rest of your life with your heart outside of your body. When that child cries you will cry whether it be from joy and laughter or pain and sadness. You may hide those tears but you will be crying on the inside. As your child grows you will grow all the while sacrificing time, friendships, money, peace and quiet. Some people sacrifice so much that they have mental break downs and sacrifice their own sanity. We do all of this, most of us, with out complaining, some of us without noticing or giving it a second thought. We do this because are children are out whole worlds!! With out them nothing would matter!!
    Sadly there are still many in this world who have children and sacrifice NOTHING! These horrid people are takers in the worst way. Instead of sacrificing their selfish needs they sacrifice the needs of others. They feed their addictions instead of their children. ( Disclaimer: I am not talking about any of my friends, just started thinking of sacrifices this morning and couldn't get the thought out of my head.) I am talking about people so selfish, that instead of seeking help, they ruin the lives of their families. Drug addicts and alcoholics operate under the precipice of having a "disease." My question for them is if they had cancer or another life threatening disease, would they get treatment? Or would they wither away to nothing while there family suffered? Why is it so hard for some people to make sacrifices for the ones that they love? And so easy for some to sacrifice it all? Is it that some people are incapable of loving? Is the part of their brain, where compassion and empathy lie, turned to mush? Unfortunately there is no simple answer.
    We have to do the best we have with the hand that we have been given. No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes and some people never learn. With that being said.... My children are so lucky!! They will have everything that they will ever need. If I can make a sacrifice for them, I will, every time. Much love to all of you who are a part of our lives. With Love Everything is Possible!!